Homeowners Insurance

Let us Shop our list of Preferred carriers, to find the best coverage at a price you can afford.

Your Home is generally your biggest asset. While most will never make a claim on their homeowners policy, when you do make a claim they payout amount tends to be in the tens of thousands of dollars. Because of this, don’t you think it is important to know exactly what is, and is not covered? Unfortunately, not all Homeowners policies are created equal. Additionally there are many different riders/endorsements that can be added to the base policy for a variety of claims to bolster your Homeowners Insurance. At Customers First Insurance Group, we have multiple insurance carriers to find you the level of coverage that aligns with your wants and needs.

Most individuals are also unaware that there are limitations to how much certain personal property items would be covered for, some of the more commons items limited are:

  • Jewelry
  • Cash on hand
  • Guns
  • Tools
  • Rugs/Furs
  • Silverware/China
  • Artwork

Read our blog post to learn about how not all carriers provide the same level of coverage.

Want a quote for a home in Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, or Florida? Click here to get started. Contact us to get a quote today.