Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation insurance is required in most states for business that have employees, with stiff fines for failure to maintain coverage. For many companies, Workers Comp is their 3rd largest expense behind Payroll and Benefits. It is also important to protect your business from litigation. This type of policy pays for medical care and lost wages for employees who are hurt or contract a disease at work. When selecting an agent for Workers Comp, it is important to select an agent that not only is well versed on the audit process but also loss mitigation strategies that can save you on the premiums you pay. You pay workers comp based on your actual payroll, if this number is underestimated, it could mean a large bill at the end of the policy year.

Investopedia defines Workers’ compensation as a government-mandated system that pays monetary benefits to workers who become injured or disabled in the course of their employment. Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that offers employees compensation for injuries or disabilities sustained as a result of their employment.

Because it is a mandated coverage, we can assist all businesses in securing the coverage they need and because we are a broker, we can shop for your business amongst several carriers.

Feel like you are paying too much for your worker’s comp? Not sure if you should be carrying workers comp? Get in touch with us today to schedule one of our Michigan, Nevada Ohio, or Florida licensed agents to assist your business in shopping the market.